Workshop #3 | REGISTER
Bead by Bead: Branding Yourself as an Artist
Studio 3
Guest speaker: Angel Mendoza
Discover how to network and build your social media and online presence as an artist. Our workshop guest speaker Angel Mendoza is a Marwen alum, printmaker, multimedia artist, and jewelry maker. In this hands-on workshop, make jewelry and learn from Angel about how he found his footing after graduating from Marwen and establishing himself as a Chicago creative.
For four Friday evenings in February and March, Marwen is hosting a series of Youth Pathways workshops at Marwen (833 N. Orleans Street). Learn how to anticipate college expenses, develop writing skills as an artist, discover how to promote your brand, and find out what makes a safe space. Marwen’s Youth Pathways workshops are free and youth-centered. Parents, educators, alumni, and artists are all welcome to participate. SEE ALL WORKSHOPS
Questions? Please contact Rafael Huerta, Coordinator of Youth Pathway Programs, at